What Are Seed Keywords in SEO

Seed keywords are the starting point for your keyword research.

For example, let’s imagine that you sell washing machine. Washing machine is clearly an important keyword to your business, but typing “washing machine” into Google is too competitive.

Your keyword strategy around the seed keyword “washing machine” might look something like this

  • washing machine to buy near me
  • washing machine for sale
  • washing machine with dryer
  • washing machine is not working
  • washing machine and dryer set
  • washing machine brands

Why Are Seed Keywords Important?

  • Selecting the right seed keywords for your business is essential because they guide your content and SEO strategy.
  • It ensures you target people who are using your keywords in google search
  • It gives direction to your content marketing efforts
  • You can formulate a strategy that targets low competition and high competition keywords with monthly search traffic
  • Your potential customers will find your website, and you can increase your organic traffic by using the correct seed keywords

Tools To Discover Seed Keywords

Google related searches

Search any keyword phrase, scroll to the bottom, and Google will show you a list of related keyword phrases.

People also ask

Search any keyword phrase, scroll to the middle, and Google will show you “People also ask” boxes.

Answer the Public

Answer The Public is a keyword tool that visualizes search questions and suggested autocomplete searches

Simplified SEO Tools

Keyword Suggestion Tool will give you a list of related keywords that are based on seed keywords

Visit : https://simplifiedseotools.com/